This R package allows the user to create beautiful R Markdown reports in a wide gamut of outputs, without the need to be exposed to the code necessary to create each of its elements. chronicle is built on a layered paradigm, which will be familiar to any ggplot user.
You can build R Markdown reports through the add_*
family of functions, layering one below the previous one.
demo_report add_text(text_title = "This is the output of a chronicle call",
text = "Each element has been added through an add_* function.",
title_level = 1) %>%
add_table(table = head(iris),
table_title = "A glimpse at the iris dataset",
html_table_type = "kable",
title_level = 1) %>%
add_raincloud(dt = iris,
value = "Sepal.Length",
groups = "Species",
raincloud_title = "Distribution of sepal length by species",
title_level = 2) %>%
add_scatterplot(dt = iris,
x = "Petal.Width",
y = "Petal.Length",
groups = "Species",
scatterplot_title = "Comparison of petal width and length",
title_level = 2)
render_report(report = demo_report,
output_format = "rmdformats",
filename = "quick_demo",
title = "A quick chronicle demo",
author = "You did this!",
keep_rmd = TRUE)
## Warning: MathJax doesn't work with self_contained when not using the rmarkdown
## "default" template.
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
You can see the output of this call, and a full showcase of all the elements supported by chronicle.
What happens behind these calls is that chronicle writes an R Markdown for you! you can see the report we’ve built by calling it through cat()
## # This is the output of a chronicle call
## Each element has been added through an add_* function.
## # A glimpse at the iris dataset
## ```{r, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
## knitr::kable(head(iris))
## ```
## ## Distribution of sepal length by species
## ```{r, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.width=params$figure_width, fig.height=params$figure_height}
## chronicle::make_raincloud(dt = iris,
## value = 'Sepal.Length',
## groups = 'Species',
## adjust = 0.5,
## include_boxplot = TRUE,
## include_mean = FALSE,
## include_median = TRUE,
## force_all_jitter_obs = FALSE,
## ggtheme = 'minimal',
## plot_palette = params$plot_palette,
## plot_palette_generator = params$plot_palette_generator,
## static = params$set_static)
## ```
## ## Comparison of petal width and length
## ```{r, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.width=params$figure_width, fig.height=params$figure_height}
## chronicle::make_scatterplot(dt = iris,
## x = 'Petal.Width',
## y = 'Petal.Length',
## groups = 'Species',
## plot_palette = params$plot_palette,
## plot_palette_generator = params$plot_palette_generator,
## static = params$set_static)
## ```
family of functionsEvery plot added with an add_*
function will be built through its correpsonding make_*
function. These functions take care of the heavy lifting, avoiding the cumbersome (albeit powerful) sintax of ggplot, plotly and other html widgets. The parameters of the make_functions are simple and intuitive specifications on how to make each plot, and they can be called independently and used in any instance where a ggplot or an html widget would fit.
make_barplot(dt = ggplot2::mpg,
value = 'cty',
bars = 'manufacturer',
break_bars_by = 'drv',
horizontal = TRUE,
sort_by_value = TRUE,
static = TRUE)
make_raincloud(dt = iris,
value = 'Sepal.Length',
groups = 'Species')