miscTools: Miscellaneous Tools and Utilities
Miscellaneous small tools and utilities.
Many of them facilitate the work with matrices,
e.g. inserting rows or columns, creating symmetric matrices,
or checking for semidefiniteness.
Other tools facilitate the work with regression models,
e.g. extracting the standard errors,
obtaining the number of (estimated) parameters,
or calculating R-squared values.
Reverse dependencies:
Reverse depends: |
bgsmtr, CNLTreg, FRESA.CAD, IQCC, maxLik, polywog |
Reverse imports: |
censReg, countDM, DIFlasso, EffectStars2, fastR2, frontier, LOST, MAINT.Data, micEcon, micEconAids, micEconCES, micEconIndex, micEconSNQP, mvProbit, Rchoice, robustbetareg, sampleSelection, SimTimeVar, splmm, ssmodels, TML, yhat |
Reverse suggests: |
emhawkes |
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