One of the most common operations with hydrologic and hydrographic
networks is referred to as “navigation”. To “navigate” the network is
the action of traversing network connections according to a set of
rules. There four primary types of network navigation, two in the
upstream direction and two in the downstream direction and only along a
main path or including branches. In hydroloom
, these
navigation types are referred to as upmain
, up
and down
. Additional
rules, such as a desired maximum distance, can be applied to any of the
four types.
has two functions that support network
, requires the “flownetwork”
representation of a hydrologic network (see
) and returns ids encountered along the
requested navigation as a list of contiguous paths.navigate_hydro_network()
currently (5/2024) requires
the nhdplus representation of a hydrologic network (see
) and returns ids encountered
along the requested navigation as a single vector.While similar, the two functions use completely different
implementations. navigate_network_dfs()
uses a
graph-theoretic “depth first search” with upmain
attributes for all flownetwork connections.
relies on topo_sort
, and other nhdplus attributes to support network
For the rest of this vignette, we will use the new_hope sample dataset included with hydroloom. A map some basic summary information about the data are shown just below.
hy_net <- sf::read_sf(system.file("extdata/new_hope.gpkg",
package = "hydroloom"))
#> [1] 746
#> [1] "sf" "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
#> [6] "WBAREACOMI" "FTYPE" "FCODE" "StreamLeve" "StreamOrde"
#> [11] "StreamCalc" "FromNode" "ToNode" "Hydroseq" "LevelPathI"
#> [16] "Pathlength" "TerminalPa" "ArbolateSu" "Divergence" "StartFlag"
#> [21] "TerminalFl" "DnLevel" "UpLevelPat" "UpHydroseq" "DnLevelPat"
#> [26] "DnMinorHyd" "DnDrainCou" "DnHydroseq" "FromMeas" "ToMeas"
#> [31] "RtnDiv" "VPUIn" "VPUOut" "AreaSqKM" "TotDASqKM"
#> [36] "geom"
class(hy(hy_net, clean = TRUE))
#> [1] "hy" "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
names(hy(hy_net, clean = TRUE))
#> [1] "id" "length_km"
#> [3] "aggregate_id" "wbid"
#> [5] "feature_type" "feature_type_code"
#> [7] "stream_level" "stream_order"
#> [9] "stream_calculator" "fromnode"
#> [11] "tonode" "topo_sort"
#> [13] "levelpath" "pathlength_km"
#> [15] "terminal_topo_sort" "arbolate_sum"
#> [17] "divergence" "start_flag"
#> [19] "terminal_flag" "dn_stream_level"
#> [21] "up_levelpath" "up_topo_sort"
#> [23] "dn_levelpath" "dn_minor_topo_sort"
#> [25] "dn_topo_sort" "aggregate_id_from_measure"
#> [27] "aggregate_id_to_measure" "da_sqkm"
#> [29] "total_da_sqkm"
# map utilities
map_prep <- \(x, tol = 100) sf::st_geometry(x) |> # no attributes
sf::st_transform(3857) |> # basemap projection
sf::st_simplify(dTolerance = tol) # sleaner rendering
pc <- list(flowline = list(col = NA)) # to hide flowlines in basemap
oldpar <- par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) # par is reset in cleanup
nhdplusTools::plot_nhdplus(bbox = sf::st_bbox(hy_net), plot_config = pc)
#> Zoom set to: 11
plot(map_prep(hy_net), col = "blue", add = TRUE)
The nhdplus data model has network attributes, like
that provide a shortcut to “main” navigations. A
path of flowlines that flow from a most upstream headwater to the outlet
of a given levelpath
in the network have the same
id. Additionally, every feature has a
and dn_levelpath
indicating the
of the flowline upstream and downstream along the
“main” path respectively. These attributes, combined with relatively
simple table operations, enable navigation up and down stream along the
network. While levelpath
attributes are the key to the
algorithm, topo_sort
, dn_toposort
, length_km
, and
are also used to accomplish aspects of the
algorithm implemented innavigate_hydro_network()
When working with data that uses the nhdplus data model,
works with no pre-processing.
Below, all network navigation modes are demonstrated using the sample
data as is from NHDPlusV2.
First, we can extract some key features that will help illustrate the network navigation functionality. In line comments illustrate what is being done.
# work in hydroloom attribute names for demo sake
hy_net <- hy(hy_net)
# the smallest topo_sort is the most downstream
outlet <- hy_net[hy_net$topo_sort == min(hy_net$topo_sort), ]
# features with the levelpath of the outlet are the mainpath,
# or mainstem of the network
main_path <- hy_net[hy_net$levelpath == outlet$levelpath, ]
# the largest topo sort along the main path is its headwater flowline
headwater <- main_path[main_path$topo_sort == max(main_path$topo_sort), ]
# basemap
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
nhdplusTools::plot_nhdplus(bbox = sf::st_bbox(hy_net), plot_config = pc)
#> Zoom set to: 11
# plot the elements prepped above
plot(map_prep(hy_net), col = "dodgerblue2", add = TRUE, lwd = 0.5)
plot(map_prep(outlet), col = "magenta", add = TRUE, lwd = 4)
plot(map_prep(headwater), col = "magenta", add = TRUE, lwd = 4)
plot(map_prep(main_path), col = "darkblue", add = TRUE, lwd = 1.5)
We can reproduce the path extracted above with a network navigation,
which is a more natural approach for most applications. Below, we see
how to use navigate_hydro_network from a starting location and use the
parameter to limit how far we will navigate from
the start point.
# this is just the ids
path <- navigate_hydro_network(hy_net,
start = outlet$id,
mode = "UM")
# filter the source data to get the id's representation
path <- hy_net[hy_net$id %in% path, ]
# pathlength_km is the distance from the furthest downstream network outlet
# it is used within navigate_hydro_network to filter to a given distance.
pathlength <- max(path$pathlength_km) - min(path$pathlength_km)
half_path <- navigate_hydro_network(hy_net,
start = outlet$id,
mode = "UM",
distance = pathlength / 2)
half_path <- hy_net[hy_net$id %in% half_path, ]
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
nhdplusTools::plot_nhdplus(bbox = sf::st_bbox(hy_net), plot_config = pc)
#> Zoom set to: 11
plot(map_prep(hy_net), col = "dodgerblue2", add = TRUE, lwd = 0.5)
plot(map_prep(half_path), col = "magenta", add = TRUE, lwd = 3)
plot(map_prep(path), col = "darkblue", add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
Now we can look at the more complete up and down navigation. Sometimes
these are called “upstream with tributaries” and “downstream with
diversions” or “UT” and “DD”. For demonstration sake, we will start at
the top of the half path found above. More typically, this would be
starting from a known location, such as where a gage site is
start <- half_path[half_path$topo_sort == max(half_path$topo_sort), ]
up <- navigate_hydro_network(hy_net,
start = start$id,
mode = "UT")
up <- hy_net[hy_net$id %in% up, ]
down <- navigate_hydro_network(hy_net,
start = start$id,
mode = "DD")
down <- hy_net[hy_net$id %in% down, ]
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
nhdplusTools::plot_nhdplus(bbox = sf::st_bbox(hy_net), plot_config = pc)
#> Zoom set to: 11
plot(map_prep(hy_net), col = "dodgerblue2", add = TRUE, lwd = 0.5)
plot(map_prep(start), col = "magenta", add = TRUE, lwd = 4)
plot(map_prep(up), col = "darkblue", add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
plot(map_prep(down), col = "blue", add = TRUE, lwd = 2)