The liver
package contains a collection of helper
functions that make various techniques from data science more
user-friendly for non-experts.
Here is an example to show how to use the functionality of the package by using the churn dataset which is available in the package.
'data.frame': 5000 obs. of 20 variables:
$ state : Factor w/ 51 levels "AK","AL","AR",..: 17 36 32 36 37 2 20 25 19 50 ...
$ area.code : Factor w/ 3 levels "area_code_408",..: 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 ...
$ account.length: int 128 107 137 84 75 118 121 147 117 141 ...
$ voice.plan : Factor w/ 2 levels "yes","no": 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 ...
$ voice.messages: int 25 26 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 37 ...
$ intl.plan : Factor w/ 2 levels "yes","no": 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 ...
$ intl.mins : num 10 13.7 12.2 6.6 10.1 6.3 7.5 7.1 8.7 11.2 ...
$ intl.calls : int 3 3 5 7 3 6 7 6 4 5 ...
$ intl.charge : num 2.7 3.7 3.29 1.78 2.73 1.7 2.03 1.92 2.35 3.02 ...
$ day.mins : num 265 162 243 299 167 ...
$ day.calls : int 110 123 114 71 113 98 88 79 97 84 ...
$ day.charge : num 45.1 27.5 41.4 50.9 28.3 ...
$ eve.mins : num 197.4 195.5 121.2 61.9 148.3 ...
$ eve.calls : int 99 103 110 88 122 101 108 94 80 111 ...
$ eve.charge : num 16.78 16.62 10.3 5.26 12.61 ...
$ night.mins : num 245 254 163 197 187 ...
$ night.calls : int 91 103 104 89 121 118 118 96 90 97 ...
$ night.charge : num 11.01 11.45 7.32 8.86 8.41 ...
$ customer.calls: int 1 1 0 2 3 0 3 0 1 0 ...
$ churn : Factor w/ 2 levels "yes","no": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
It shows that the ‘churn’ dataset as a data.frame
has 20
variables and 5000 observations.
We partition the churn dataset randomly into two groups:
train set (80%) and test set (20%). Here, we use the
function from the liver package:
The churn dataset has 19 predictors along with the target
variable churn
. Here we use the following predictors:
, voice.plan
, intl.plan
, day.mins
, eve.mins
, and customer.calls
First, based on the above predictors, find the k-nearest neighbor for the test set, based on the training dataset, for the k = 8 as follows
formula = churn ~ account.length + voice.plan + voice.messages + intl.plan + intl.mins +
day.mins + eve.mins + night.mins + customer.calls
predict_knn = kNN(formula, train = train_set, test = test_set, k = 8)
To report Confusion Matrix:
conf.mat(predict_knn, actual_test)
Predict yes no
yes 40 11
no 88 861
conf.mat.plot(predict_knn, actual_test)
To report Mean Squared Error (MSE):
The predictors that we used in the previous part, do not have the
same scale. For example, variable day.mins
change between 0
and 351.5, whereas variable voice.plan
is binary. In this
case, the values of variable day.mins
will overwhelm the
contribution of voice.plan
. To avoid this situation we use
normalization. So, we use min-max normalization and transfer the
predictors as follows:
To report Confusion Matrix: