mi4p 1.1
- updated code to fix CRAN notes
mi4p 1.0
- updated documentation
- added g.test from ProteoMM in the readme to test for
mi4p 0.9
- added prettydoc as a suggested package for vignette checks
mi4p 0.8
- Additional fixes to code and help files.
- Code modifications as DAPAR is to be removed from Bioconductor. Will
be reversed as soon as the problem with DAPAR is solved.
mi4p 0.7
- Added ‘ctb’ roles in the ‘Authors@R’ field and a ‘Copyright’ field
that is referring to an inst/COPYRIGHTS file to pass the first package
assessment from CRAN. A contact entry was also added to the DESCRIPTION
mi4p 0.6
- Further CRAN checks improvement, two examples dataset added.
mi4p 0.5
- CRAN checks improvement and help pages completed.
mi4p 0.4
mi4p 0.3
- Create logo and github actions.
mi4p 0.2
mi4p 0.1
- Creation of the mi4p package