brings the calendaring functionality from the QuantLib project to R.
lets us access various global (exchange or
settlement) calendars. Here is a quick example for the NYSE in 2022
where Juneteenth is making a first appearance as the most recently added
federal holiday:
> library(qlcal)
> setCalendar("UnitedStates/NYSE")
> getHolidays(as.Date("2022-01-01"), as.Date("2022-12-31"))
1] "2022-01-17" "2022-02-21" "2022-04-15" "2022-05-30" "2022-06-20"
[6] "2022-07-04" "2022-09-05" "2022-11-24" "2022-12-26"
This package started as an integration of the (somewhat experimental) Quantuccia package (see next section) to R by means of Rcpp in package RcppQuantuccia. But Quantuccia did not continue beyond its initial proof of concept. So as of RcppQuantuccia release 0.0.5, we have refocused it on an even smaller subset of QuantLib: just the calendaring. So code for pricers, math, models, schedules, … that was in Quantuccia has been removed. The calendaring, along with all its support code, is now current with the current QuantLib release which, as of this writing, is 1.24.
Going forward, the idea is to regroup the QuantLib calendaring
functionality in a small and self-contained library qlcal
and provide frontends such as this R package.
Here we examine holiday lists for given calendars, specified by country and possibly exchange:
> library(qlcal)
R> fromD <- as.Date("2017-01-01")
R> toD <- as.Date("2017-12-31")
R> getHolidays(fromD, toD) # default calender ie TARGET
R1] "2017-04-14" "2017-04-17" "2017-05-01" "2017-12-25" "2017-12-26"
[> setCalendar("UnitedStates")
R> getHolidays(fromD, toD) # US aka US::Settlement
R1] "2017-01-02" "2017-01-16" "2017-02-20" "2017-05-29" "2017-07-04" "2017-09-04"
[7] "2017-10-09" "2017-11-10" "2017-11-23" "2017-12-25"
[> setCalendar("UnitedStates::NYSE")
R> getHolidays(fromD, toD) # US New York Stock Exchange
R1] "2017-01-02" "2017-01-16" "2017-02-20" "2017-04-14" "2017-05-29" "2017-07-04"
[7] "2017-09-04" "2017-11-23" "2017-12-25"
[> R
This shows the difference between the default US settlement calendar and the NYSE calendar which we selected explicitly.
As all calendars are now supported (and are listed in a convenience
vector calendars
> library(qlcal)
> calendars
1] "TARGET" "UnitedStates"
[3] "UnitedStates/LiborImpact" "UnitedStates/NYSE"
[5] "UnitedStates/GovernmentBond" "UnitedStates/NERC"
[7] "UnitedStates/FederalReserve" "Argentina"
[9] "Australia" "Austria"
[11] "Austria/Exchange" "Bespoke"
[13] "Botswana" "Brazil"
[15] "Brazil/Exchange" "Canada"
[17] "Canada/TSX" "Chile"
[19] "China" "China/IB"
[21] "CzechRepublic" "Denmark"
[23] "Finland" "France"
[25] "France/Exchange" "Germany"
[27] "Germany/FrankfurtStockExchange" "Germany/Xetra"
[29] "Germany/Eurex" "Germany/Euwax"
[31] "HongKong" "Hungary"
[33] "Iceland" "India"
[35] "Indonesia" "Israel"
[37] "Italy" "Italy/Exchange"
[39] "Japan" "Mexico"
[41] "NewZealand" "Norway"
[43] "Null" "Poland"
[45] "Romania" "Russia"
[47] "SaudiArabia" "Singapore"
[49] "Slovakia" "SouthAfrica"
[51] "SouthKorea" "SouthKorea/KRX"
[53] "Sweden" "Switzerland"
[55] "Taiwan" "Thailand"
[57] "Turkey" "Ukraine"
[59] "UnitedKingdom" "UnitedKingdom/Exchange"
[61] "UnitedKingdom/Metals" "WeekendsOnly"
We can then for example quickly count number of holiday per calendar (by computing the length of the returned vector of holidays) and show a shortened print, all in a handful of lines continuing from above
> getHols <- function(cal) { # simple helper function
+ setCalendar(cal)
+ getHolidays(as.Date("2022-01-01"), as.Date("2022-12-31"))
+ }
> D <- data.table(calendar=calendars)
> D[ , `:=`(n = length(getHols(calendar)),
+ holidays = paste(format(getHols(calendar),"%d %b"), collapse=",")),
+ by = calendar ]
> D
> D
calendar n holidays1: TARGET 3 15 Apr,18 Apr,26 Dec
2: UnitedStates 10 17 Jan,21 Feb,30 May,20 Jun,04 Jul,05 Sep,10 Oct,11 Nov,24 Nov,26 Dec
3: UnitedStates/LiborImpact 10 17 Jan,21 Feb,30 May,20 Jun,04 Jul,05 Sep,10 Oct,11 Nov,24 Nov,26 Dec
4: UnitedStates/NYSE 9 17 Jan,21 Feb,15 Apr,30 May,20 Jun,04 Jul,05 Sep,24 Nov,26 Dec
5: UnitedStates/GovernmentBond 11 17 Jan,21 Feb,15 Apr,30 May,20 Jun,04 Jul,05 Sep,10 Oct,11 Nov,24 Nov,26 Dec
58: Ukraine 10 03 Jan,07 Jan,08 Mar,25 Apr,02 May,09 May,13 Jun,28 Jun,24 Aug,14 Oct
59: UnitedKingdom 9 03 Jan,15 Apr,18 Apr,02 May,02 Jun,03 Jun,29 Aug,26 Dec,27 Dec
60: UnitedKingdom/Exchange 9 03 Jan,15 Apr,18 Apr,02 May,02 Jun,03 Jun,29 Aug,26 Dec,27 Dec
61: UnitedKingdom/Metals 9 03 Jan,15 Apr,18 Apr,02 May,02 Jun,03 Jun,29 Aug,26 Dec,27 Dec
62: WeekendsOnly 0
Here we set the year to 2022 as it includes the added US holiday of Juneteenth.
We can also access the calendar ‘name’ from the underlying (QuantLib Calendar) object:
> D[, name := { setCalendar(calendar); getName() }, by=calendar][, .(calendar,name)]
calendar name1: TARGET TARGET
2: UnitedStates US settlement
3: UnitedStates/LiborImpact US with Libor impact
4: UnitedStates/NYSE New York stock exchange
5: UnitedStates/GovernmentBond US government bond market
58: Ukraine Ukrainian stock exchange
59: UnitedKingdom UK settlement
60: UnitedKingdom/Exchange London stock exchange
61: UnitedKingdom/Metals London metals exchange
62: WeekendsOnly weekends only
The package can be installed from CRAN via
or if you prefer non-release development version these can be installed from GitHub via e.g.
::install_github("qlcal/qlcal-r") remotes
It only requires Rcpp
and BH
both of which
are available whereever R
itself runs.
Note that the package requires C++14 or newer due to the
(i.e. Boost) use. As R nags when we set
we switched to requested
R (>= 4.2.0)
where this requirement is implicitly
satisfied. On an older R version, the configure
uncomments CXX_STD = CXX14
in src/Makevars
Luigi Ballabio describe Holidays in QuantLib in an introductory article at the Implementing QuantLib blog.
Dirk Eddelbuettel for the package and integration.
The authors and contributors of QuantLib for the underlying calendaring code.
GPL (>= 2)